Expert Therapy. Anytime. Anywhere.


Transform Your Life with Expert-Led, Tailor-Made Online Therapy Courses

Understand your mental well-being in just 5 minutes

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humancolorz is reimagining therapy

"I spent months on waiting lists, losing hope that I'd get the help I needed. With Humancolorz, I was able to start my therapy journey immediately, and it's made all the difference."

"I've tried multiple online therapy platforms that promised a lot but delivered little. Humancolorz's tailored courses and qualified therapists finally gave me the quality care I was looking for."

"Before Humancolorz, I worried about the effectiveness of online therapy vs private therapy. The Overcome Anxiety course proved I can get quality help without emptying my wallet."


Your week in color

Each week, we'll share 3 simple ideas to enhance your wellbeing, all of which can be easily incorporated into your busy life.

"Traditional Mental Health Care Is In Crisis"


Have You Struggled to Find the Right Therapist?

It's a gamble to find a therapist who truly understands your unique challenges.

Ever Been Stuck on a Waiting List?

The overwhelming demand for mental health services means you could be waiting months, if not years, for your first appointment.

Tried an Online Therapy Platform That Didn't Work? 

One-size-fits-all online solutions often miss the mark, leaving you feeling unsatisfied and back at square one.

Concerned About the High Cost of Private Therapy? 

The financial burden of ongoing private sessions can be significant and comes with no guarantee.

Latest Courses


Overcome Anxiety 

The weight of anxiety and worry can be overwhelming, often leaving us trapped in a cycle of fear and uncertainty. But there is a way out.

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CBT Prep Mastery

A dedicated free bonus module. This module is your roadmap, detailing the proactive steps you can take to ensure every CBT session is a transformative one.

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5 pillars Of Mental Health

5 Pillars of Mental Health' - a free bonus course module from HumanColorz, for anyone seeking to build the foundations for good robust mental health.

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humancolorz stories

Accessible, Personalised, and On-Demand therapy

Experience the depth of in-person therapy on your terms, without the wait or high costs.

Expert-Led, Evidence-Based Courses

Learn from the best with our proven, expert-led online courses. Yours to keep, and revisit anytime.

Tailored & Interactive Therapy for you

Choose from a range of interactive, effective courses that fit your unique mental health journey.


Your week in color

Each week, we'll share 3 simple ideas to enhance your wellbeing, all of which can be easily incorporated into your busy life.

Are You A Therapist?

Join us at humancolorz

We are seeking the very best  therapy professionals to join Humancolorz. Here's what you need to know

Reach & Impact: Deliver your expertise via our platform to audiences around the globe.

Earnings: Increase and diversify your income as a therapist

Complete Investment: We're committed, investing in course development, content creation, and comprehensive marketing efforts.

Recognition: Elevate your stature by joining our select directory of top-tier therapists.

Transparent Contract: Aligning our partnership with clarity.

Join Humancolorz 

Complete your submission and start your transformative partnership with Humancolorz. We'll promptly review and connect with you.

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